This lately in my mind was floating one Balenciaga Bag.. Very annoying, because i really want this bag so badly..
I used to not like the Balenciaga bag. But increasingly seen more and more like it. Moreover, the giant city bag !!

This oneeeee..
And btw, my chanel bag is damaged for the fourth time, I think it can not be repaired, and I need to buy a new one, with the shape and the exact same model.
This chanel bag is timeless and its model can be used in any occasion, that's why i really liked it. And hoping to get one more to replace the old.

I miss this flapbag TT
The other things that i'm craving for is some meals. LOL..
mmm... Here there are :

Onion Ring from Burger KIng!!

Crispy Chicken by Shihlin!

Nasi Campur by Ahwa!!!
My post moved from bag to food. But i really carving for those things. ^^ .
So it's okay lar to talk about everything..
BTW, i need a recommend for a perfume under IDR 600K. I need a new fragrance.
Sweet and mild.

The Beat has a wonderful smell. I love it.. But it quite expensive for me =.="

I used this before. Sweet. Like candy..
Any suggestion??

This oneeeee..
And btw, my chanel bag is damaged for the fourth time, I think it can not be repaired, and I need to buy a new one, with the shape and the exact same model.
This chanel bag is timeless and its model can be used in any occasion, that's why i really liked it. And hoping to get one more to replace the old.

I miss this flapbag TT
The other things that i'm craving for is some meals. LOL..
mmm... Here there are :

Onion Ring from Burger KIng!!

Crispy Chicken by Shihlin!

Nasi Campur by Ahwa!!!
My post moved from bag to food. But i really carving for those things. ^^ .
So it's okay lar to talk about everything..
BTW, i need a recommend for a perfume under IDR 600K. I need a new fragrance.
Sweet and mild.
The Beat has a wonderful smell. I love it.. But it quite expensive for me =.="

I used this before. Sweet. Like candy..
Any suggestion??
kunci tas nya yg rusak lagih ya erl?
gw jg ngebet bgth ama Balenciaga Bag awhh
haha, y udah lah yah pasrah aja, belii baru deh, hahaha.. :P
kmren ada graduation party skolah gue.. buat ank2 taun akhir,jadi skolah ngundang2 artis gtuh deh buat konserr, gratiss hihi.. tp ga gt rame sih pas kmren ni. lumayan lahh.. si nicky lee nya keren abis..
Me love Shihlin too!
n craving for that balenciaga bag too :p
g nyoba Dream Angel ce??? :):)
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