Answer : Nowhere :D
Question : Do you leave your blog?
Answer : Of course nooooo.
Question : So, what are you busy of?
Answer : Hmmm.. working and working, sleeping, and watching dvd.
What a stupid Q&A!!
Okay, we go straight to the topic now. I want to introducing ELLIA clothing-shop. Owned by me and my sister, managed by my sister, and supervised by her. *wait--so what's my position?*
Yaaa, i'm so sure most of you, know that my sister and i actively doing blog. We love to take photo of our self, love to dress-up. And somehow at somepoint we decided to start our own business. And i'm really really busy (now, you know what i'm busy of). Collecting the product, photoshooting, and so on and so on.
We brought some good quality, fashionable yet affordable fashion items.

Welcome to ELLIA clothingshop and Happy shopping :)
PS: it doesn't cost you a penny to click it :)