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Monday, July 13, 2009

Holiday To Bandoengg

Holiday is on progress..
Long long holiday..
Allready spent it with my big famz from Medan..
My cousin had a school holiday..

This trip to Bandung is relaxing one..
Becoz i didn't had an accomodation it the centre of the city..
But in huge villa in Dago area..

Love it..♥..!!!

Three days two nights..
Was a peaceful holiday..

And fabulous shopping time..LOL..
Spent more than 10 hours to shop shop and shop..


Dikarenakan inep na di daerah semi pgunungan yg sejuk..
Asik dhe..sore2 jalan di jalanan sepi..

Nae turun nae turun bareng sodara2ku..

Pokok na seru dhe..

Dingin dingin asik..


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