That day was the day when most fabulous woman for me a.k.a my mom, came to this world 50s years ago. She invited some of our family members to had a dinner with us. Just a simple ordinary and casual dinner.
Coincidentally, i had a meeting with one of local brand on the same day. So i got there earlier and met them. In the middle of the meeting, some of my family came and sat beside our table. What an awkward moment when you workin and your family looking at you. Happily i finish the meeting well. LOL

Thanks for my sister who took this photo beautifully. LOL
What I Wore
Random top from random brand, motive skirt from Forever21, simple black heels from TRF (have i mention this pair is a birthday gift from my besties ^^), tommy hilfiger watch, and coppola.
Overall that day was awesome. It's so great when many ppl that you love gather in one place and have a long chitchat.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM. Love you so muchhhh...