So busy this lately. Hmmm.. not absolutely busy, i just don't have enough time to do all my ordinary activity. Feel like my energy is be sucked up! *SIGH*
Don't know why i choose that title of this post. I think i look like traveller. Quite simple look. Blazer and trousers and accumulated it with black pumps and satchel. New glasses frame on my face. And for your information, i have severe miopi, unhealthy eyes. So the glasses is functional.

Poses Poses Poses Poses
I think i'm getting good at posing. Since i work in the field of fashion and must handle the photoshoot sometimes. Frequently see the models posing in professional manner. LOL. At first, i felt so suck when compared with the models *sob*
I wore everything that 'not fresh', i mean all the items have been posted in here. But i mixed and matched it again with other style. Preppy look for this time.

A lot photos, a bit words. What a failure as a blogger. I don't have time (alibi). Usually take an hour to do one post. And i don't have that so much time. HAHAHAHAHA *act so busy*. My sista said, "So just abandoned your blog lah!". I'm thinking and thinking and thinking. I CAN'T leva my blog like this. I started it with full of passion. Should keep it.
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