So happy i can start my first blog in the very sunny morning..After think about hundreds reason to be a professional blogger..LOL..It's confusing...what should i write in this blog...This is some kind like diary, right?
After make a deep thinking, i can tell that i don't have any reason to write my extraordinary life..And because of that i really want to share my life, my quote, my time, my fashion and my style to all of you...^^'s really hard to start..i think, i will develop my skill to make a great blog...LOL...And......Gw mulai dr hidup hri ini yah...Alone...Alone...After two weeks my mom leave me n my sista to back to Medan, it's really a big mess in my home sweet home...After make a very mornink wake up..i start to clean up my room...Uuuhhhh...i'm very lazy to do it...Tp mau gmn lagiii.....masa gw idup di tumpukan debu n sampah buat 2 minggu ke depan...My maiddddddddd....if u read my blog..plizz come back soon...i really need u rite now...I hope my maid can read it...Alone..Alone...So after a cleaning activity, i start to update my Facebook..OOww...Add my facebook..okay?? wanting_tnk@hotmail.comVery great to have alot of friend...Back to my lifeee....And now, i haven't my breakfast at all...So hungreee...Tp alibi untuk menutup kemalasan gw yaaaaa mau diet...hehehehe...Alone...Alone...Alone at home, front of computer..My sista lagi UAN..My huppi have a class today...Hufffffffffffffffffff......kepikiran nilai ujian g salah satu kuliah jelek abizzz......takut...scare me to death..T.TStress Out......Arggghhhhh....That's all i can tell about today..and to finish my first blog..i would like to give a big kisses...LOL...just qdink...♥♥♥